Who We Are
MCNAG consists of a board of personnel rather than a committee; a panel of equals, that represents a broad range of interests. We are currently planning to incorporate as a community interest company (CIC) to enable a variety of projects.
At present Rob Spray chairs the Action Group and that is primarily to act as a point of contact to direct enquiries and opportunities to the constituent groups and individuals within MCNAG who have specialist interests and information relevant to the management of the MCZ.
We are committed to reviewing our aims, membership and methods regularly to ensure we stay relevant and active.
Board Members

Elizabeth Beston
Elizabeth is currently an undergraduate biology student, with a special interest in intertidal taxonomy and ecology. She is also a Seasearch volunteer and regular beach cleaner, recently setting up the Norfolk Beach Cleaners Collective with other litter pickers.

Kat Gerasimova
Kat believes in reducing barriers to learning about the reef and surrounding environment so more of us can appreciate why it is important to preserve it. Her experiences as a director of other not-for-profits and building communities will help develop the group to fill the void currently felt by the community. When not working with MCNAG, you will find Kat teaching divers about the unique wildlife found on the reef and monitoring the reef for Seasearch..

Ben Nurse
Ben Nurse is a construction site manager and started scuba diving in 2019, mostly off the Norfolk coast. He is a trained marine mammal medic with BDMLR. Ben joined MCNAG after seeing the impact of ghost fishing gear on the reef and wildlife.

Rob Spray
Rob used to be an engineer dealing with video transmission who got caught up in combining diving with digital cameras late in the last century. His first UK dives were in Norfolk and although he has dived extensively all over the world he still thinks Norfolk is very special. He helps Dawn Watson coordinate Seasearch East and took part in the MCZ stakeholder process and the EIFCA committee. He is the county’s joint marine fish and invertebrate recorder.

Jane Steed
Jane is a Zoology graduate and former Research Scientist who has always been interested in natural history and conservation and has been involved with education activities at the coast. She enjoys sea swimming and joined the MCNAG team to help out with admin, the website and social media.

Dawn Watson
Dawn coordinates Seasearch East and handles Seasearch data for the majority of England and Scotland. She is an accomplished underwater surveyor as well as being the authority on the biodiversity of North Norfolk’s chalk reef. Dawn was a microbiologist and now runs a cattery. Dawn is also the county’s joint marine fish and invertebrate recorder.

Kellie Woods
Kellie has been a scuba diver for 17 years and is currently studying for her PADI DiveMaster qualification. She has a passion for all things marine life and has enjoyed many hours underwater around the world and here at home on the Norfolk Chalk Reef. Passionate about protecting our marine environment, she is an onshore Sea Shepherd volunteer, a trained BDMLR marine mammal medic and is currently studying a distance learning masters in international environmental law.

Adrian Barker
Adrian works in the tech and telecoms industry and helps MCNAG with organisation and getting the message out there. He has dived around the UK for over a decade now, having initially been offered a try dive as a swap for creating a website for a marine biologist’s book! Growing up on the Norfolk coast, Adrian is interested the variety of coastal habitats to be found all around the UK and whether or not they’re diveable!